My GF and I went out for a nice sail during the Working Waterfront festival. It was sad to see groups of land lubbers standing around on piers wanting to be on the water while watching us sail by.
Quick hide your drinks, its not one but two Fire Dept. boats! They get closer and closer... Crapo this can't be good. Who are all the people on the back of these boats with the costumes on?!? Why does it look like there are a collection of nuns and a priest in a Fire Boat coming at me?!? This is getting weirder and weirder.
And then I realized I had just been blessed... It was the actual "Blessing of the Fleet" going on and we were clearly in its blessing range so "Good job New Job! Bless the lord and pass the bottle opener"
The whaleboat rowing racing or excursions or demos were going on too. No jokes on that yet. Way too boring for me.
While we were almost back to the cove where the ramp is, I did notice my buddy Ben's little sailboat poke its sail out and we would have come over and said hello but we had dinner plans to get to!
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